
zoom violates aspect ratio

Closed this issue · 2 comments


The zoom plugin violates the aspect ratio of the original image. I can't understand the reasons. In the lightbox the image is displayed at 627627 px, aspect ratio 1:1. When I activate zoom, the image is stretched disproportionately, becomes 1000627 px, aspect ratio 1000:627. The image looks stretched in width.

Steps to reproduce

[Clear steps describing how to reproduce the issue. Please link to
a demo project (Your website URL, codepen, or jsfiddle) if possible.
To see the problem, follow the link, open the image in the lightbox and click on the zoom button.

JS code that you use to initialize lightGallery.

		var dynamicGallery = lightGallery(document.getElementById('gallery'), {
			dynamic: true,
			dynamicEl: galleryImgs,
			index: parseInt(document.getElementById('gallery').dataset.slickIndex, 10) || 0,
			plugins: [lgZoom, lgThumbnail, lgVideo],
			download: false,
			thumbnail: true,
			loadYouTubePoster: true,
			loadYoutubeThumbnail: true,
			autoplayVideoOnSlide: true,
			thumbWidth: 80,
			thumbContHeight: 100,
			thumbMargin: 10,			
			youTubePlayerParams: {
				autoplay: 1,
				modestbranding: 1,
				controls: 1,
				rel: 0,
				showinfo: 0
			mobileSettings: {
				controls: true,
				showCloseIcon: true

Sample HTML markup

Additional context

The problem occurs on line 321-323 of the file code lg-zoom.umd.js
$image .css('width', $image.get().naturalWidth + 'px') .css('height', $image.get().naturalHeight + 'px');

Figured it out, I had to connect all the plugin styles.