
DASH playback in videojs is broken

OctoNezd opened this issue · 1 comments


It's impossible to set DASH source in videojs when using lightgallery.

Steps to reproduce


  1. Create anchor with data pointing to DASH source

JS code that you use to initialize lightGallery.

function opengallery() {
  const lg = lightGallery(document.getElementById("gallery"), {
    plugins: [lgVideo],
    speed: 250,
    mobileSettings: {},
    videojs: true,
    videojsOptions: {
      vhs: {
        overrideNative: true
      html5: {
        vhs: {
          overrideNative: true
        nativeAudioTracks: false,
        nativeVideoTracks: false

Sample HTML markup

<div id="gallery">
    <a data-video="{&quot;source&quot;:[&quot;;],&quot;attributes&quot;:{&quot;preload&quot;:false,&quot;playsinline&quot;:true,&quot;controls&quot;:true}}" data-lg-size="1280-720" data-sub-html="">
      <img referrerpolicy="no-referrer" src=";height=130&amp;crop=140:130,smart&amp;format=jpg&amp;v=enabled&amp;lthumb=true&amp;s=d1b2de1b7b136eca44e3914b4128ad4d87b34843"></a>


  • Browser and version - Firefox 121.0, can also reproduce on Edge 120.0.2210.91
  • OS - Windows 11
  • lightGallery version - 2.7.2

Additional context

Can't reproduce anymore in codepen for some reason. I assume its an issue with the way extension injects its features.

Sorry for creating this issue.