
Silence-Mobs and EcoEnchants conflict

Opened this issue · 1 comments

(I used translation software and there may be some inaccuracies in my expression. Please forgive me. Also, I am not very clear about the rules for feedback bugs. Should I give feedback to the author of EcoEnchants instead of you?)
When adding EcoEnchants and naming the name tag "silence", there will be an additional nbt in EcoEnchants, which prevents this feature from working properly. Instead of silencing the creatures, it will directly rename them

This is the JSON with EcoEnchants added
§osilence: '{"type":"NAME_TAG","data":0,"amount":32,"meta":{"RepairCost":{"type":"INT","data":1},"display":{"Name":{"type":"STRING","data":"{\"italic\":false,\"extra\":[{\"italic\":true,\"text\":\"silence\"}],\"text\":\"\"}"}}}}'

This is the JSON without EcoEnchants added

EcoEnchants v12.2.3

Shear-Name-Tag cannot be used normally under the same conditions