
Static view name should be prefixed

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Currently the static view for pyramid_sacrud has the name static, which may often clash with an existing configuration, resulting in a ConfigurationConflictError. Prefixing all names pyramid_sacrud places in the global configuration namespace would alleviate this problem.

The name of static view for pyramid_sacrud isadmin/static/ (with prefix admin). I believe that it should't clash with other static views:

$ proutes development.ini 
Name                              Pattern                                                      View                                Method      
----                              -------                                                      ----                                ------      
__static/                         /static/*subpath                                                      *           
__admin/static/                   /admin/static/*subpath                                       pyramid_sacrud:static/              * 

Perhaps the problem was in ps_alchemy of 0.0.1 version. Could you update ps_alchemy and try to reproduce the error.

Reopen, if the problem is still there