
🛍️ Ecommerce UI components and framework powered by Hanzo.

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Shop.js is a front-end framework for ecommerce powered by Hanzo. It has a fully customizable look and feel with many built-in reactive components.


You can see a great example of Shop.js in action at stoned.audio. It powers the complete shopping experience from their referral program and user signup to checkout and customer portal.

Containers and Controls

Containers are Custom HTML tags that define a section of embeddable dynamic content. Controls are very simple composeable widgets that provide ui inputs and outputs for users. Containers can contain other containers or controls.

Containers also expose data fields from the global data referrential tree passed into Shop.start and services. Data fields are accessed using the 'data' special variable (see below) and services which are accessed by their name. Services are either functions or read-only fields.

For example a submit() service can be invoked by calling 'submit()' directly or binding an event 'onclick="submit"' for invokation by user when they interact with an element on the page.

Special Variables


A reference to the global data referrential tree. that's passed into the Shop.start function can be referenced from most containers by using the 'data' variable.

The exceptions to this rule are lineitem and order which are used internally by the looping containers lineitems and orders respectively. The 'data' in these containers refer to the specific item that's currently being looped over. For example a lineitems container loops over order.items, a lineitem container's 'data' variable refers to the specific item being looped over.


Both lineitem and order both have a 'parent-data' variable that refer to their immediate parents's for composeability reasons, namely to get fields like 'currency' relatively from the parent order or user.


The 'parent' variable references the parent container of the current container. It is useful for using data fields or invoking services of a parent container. Be aware that the root container has no parent set.

Services Available to All Containers

Name Type Description
renderCurrency (code string, cents number) ‑> string code is a currency's ISO 4217 code (typically set to data.get('order.currency')), cents is the currency in cents (or lowest unit in the case of zero decimal currencies like JPY), returns a localized value with currency symbol
renderDate (date time, format string) ‑> string refer to moment(...).format(...) documentation here



The cart container renders cart items and handles the processing of promotional codes.

Data Fields
Name Type Description
order.promoCode string promotional code (coupon)
Name Type Description
applying string true when applyPromoCode is processing, false otherwise
applyPromoCode () ‑>  submits promo code for discount adjustment, issues ApplyPromoCode, ApplyPromoCodeSuccessful, and ApplyPromoCodeFailed
isEmpty () ‑> bool returns if order.items.length == 0
promoMessage string current status of the promotional code
Name Description
ApplyPromoCode fired when applyPromoCode() is called
ApplyPromoCodeFailed fired when applyPromoCode() gets a failed result, promoMessage is set to the error in this case
ApplyPromoCodeSuccess fired when applyPromoCode() gets a successful result


The checkout container validates the customers shipping and billing information and handles submitting the customer's card to complete the checkout step.

Data Fields
Name Type Description
user.email string required, must be an email
user.name string required, splits on first space to populate user.firstName and user.lastName
user.firstName string derived from user.name
user.lastName string derived from user.name
order.shippingAddress.line1 string required, street address
order.shippingAddress.line2 string apartment number, suit number, PO box etc.
order.shippingAddress.city string required, city
order.shippingAddress.isPostalRequired string required only if postal codes are required for the user's country
order.shippingAddress.country string required, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
payment.account.number string required, valid credit card number
payment.account.expiry string required, valid expiration number in either MM/YYYY or MM/YY
payment.account.cvc string required, valid card security code number
terms bool required, whether or not the user agrees to the terms
Name Type Description
checkedOut bool true when checkout submit is successful
errorMessage string error from the last attempted checkout submit if there was one
loading bool true when checkout submit is processing, false otherwise
submit () ‑>  submit a charge request with the customer's information
Name Description
Submit fired when submit() is called
SuccessFailed fired when submit() gets a failed result, errorMessage is setto the error-category in this case
SubmitSuccess fired when submit() gets a successful result


The checkout-shippingaddress container handles just the parts of checkout related to the customer's shipping address. This is useful when doing a multi-page checkout flow with checkout-shipping on the first page and checkout on the second page. Shipping data will propagate from checkout-shipping to checkout.

Data Fields
Name Type Description
user.email string required, must be an email
user.name string required, splits on first space to populate user.firstName and user.lastName
user.firstName string derived from user.name
user.lastName string derived from user.name
order.shippingAddress.line1 string required, street address
order.shippingAddress.line2 string apartment number, suit number, PO box etc.
order.shippingAddress.city string required, city
order.shippingAddress.isPostalRequired string required only if postal codes are required for the user's country
order.shippingAddress.country string required, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes
Name Type Description
submit () ‑>  submit a user's shipping information information



The lineitems container loops over and displays an order's or cart's line items (usually the order.items field). The lineitems must be used inside of either a cart or orders container. Internally, a lineitems container simply wraps a lineitem container in a loop.

Template data inside of a lineitems container's HTML tags are passed onto each lineitem container and will be transcluded in lineitem.

It is best to use this container inside another container instead of at the top level so it can be rendered along side other order information.

Data Fields





The lineitem container exposes an item and records quantity data. It is not used directly in most cases. It should be used implicitly as part of the lineitems container instead. When using lineitem containers directly, parentData (via parent-data attribute, e.g. ) must be set to the order data.

Data Fields
Name Type Description
quantity integer required, number of a particular item






The checkbox control creates and binds a checkbox.

Name Description
lookup data field to bind to e.g.
Name Description
terms lookup = terms


The select control creates and binds a platform-agnostic select based on selectize.js. It is simplist to base custom styling on the skins available here.

Name Description
lookup data field to bind to e.g.
placeholder input's placeholder text
read-only set to anything to make the select readOnly
selectOptions a map of values to names to render as the select options
Name Description
quantity lookup = quantity, options are a list of numbers from 0 to 99, use in lineitem
shippingaddress-country lookup = order.shippingaddress-country, options are a list of countries


The text control creates and binds a text-input.

Name Description
auto-complete on to enable input auto-complete or off to disable it
lookup data field to bind to e.g.
placeholder input's placeholder text
type input's type
Name Description
card-number lookup = payment.account.number, formats as card number
card-expiry lookup = payment.account.expiry, formats as a date
card-cvc lookup = payment.account.cvc, formats as a CVC
promocode lookup = order.promoCode
shippingaddress-line1 lookup = order.shippingAddress.line1
shippingaddress-line2 lookup = order.shippingAddress.line2
shippingaddress-city lookup = order.shippingAddress.city
shippingaddress-postalcode lookup = order.shippingAddress.postalCode
shippingaddress-state lookup = order.shippingAddress.state
user-name lookup = user.email

Event Reference

These constants can be accessed via Shop.Events. or the string value can be used instead

Name String Value Payload Description
ApplyPromoCode apply-promocode string fired when a cart container submits its promo code
ApplyPromoCodeFailed apply-promocode-failed Error fired when a promo code is not applicable
ApplyPromoCodeSuccess apply-promocode-success string fired when a promo code is applicable
Change change string, any fired when any data field changes with the string name and original value
ChangeFailed change-failed string, any fired when any data field change fails with the string name and original value
ChangeSuccess change-success string, any fired when any data field change finishes with the string name and new value
Login login n/a fired when a login container submits login credentials
LoginFailed login-failed Error fired when login is unsuccessful
LoginSuccess login-success AccessToken fired when login is successful with accessToken
ProfileLoad profile-load n/a fired when profile is initialized
ProfileLoadFailed profile-load-failed Error fired when profile is unsuccessfully loaded
ProfileLoadSuccess profile-load-success User fired when profile is successfully loaded
ProfileUpdate profile-update n/a fired when profile is submitted
ProfileUpdateFailed profile-update-failed Error fired on unsuccessful profile update
ProfileUpdateSuccess profile-update-success User fired on successful profile update
Ready ready n/a fired when containers are done initializing
Register register n/a fired when a register container submits registration data
RegisterFailed register-failed Error fired when a registration is unsuccessful
RegisterSuccess register-success RegistrationResponse fired when a registration is successful
SetData set-data ReferrentialTree fired when data is loaded into containers
ShippingAddressUpdateFailed shipping-address-update-failed Error fired on unsuccessful order shipping address update
ShippingAddressUpdate shipping-address-update n/a fired when an order container's shipping address is updated
ShippingAddressUpdateSuccess shipping-address-update-success Order fired on successful order shipping address update
Submit submit n/a fired when a checkout container issues a checkout command to the backend
SubmitFailed submit-failed Error fired on an unsuccessful checkout
SubmitShippingAddress submit-shipping-address n/a fired when a checkout-shippingaddress container submits
SubmitSuccess submit-success n/a fired on a successful checkout
TryUpdateItem try-update-item string fired when setItem is called with the id specified
UpdateItem update-item Item fired when setItem is complete
UpdateItems update-items Item[] fired when setItem is complete with all items