
Simple application with Laravel Graphql with Laravel Playground , Vue JS and Vue Apollo

Primary LanguagePHP

GraphQL with Laravel and VueJS


Simple Example Single Page application for GraphQL.

Technologies used:

  • Laravel 5.7.*
  • VueJS 2.5.*
  • Lighthouse PHP
  • Vue Apollo
  • MySQL

Installation Guide:

  • Clone
  • cd laravel-vue-graphql-example
  • Install composer: composer install
  • Copy .env.example file: cp .env.example .env
  • Generate key: php artisan key:generate
  • Set the database credentials in .env file
  • Run migration: php artisan migrate
  • Run seeder: php artisan db:seed
  • Install npm dependencies: npm install or yarn
  • Compile JS and CSS: npm run dev or yarn dev
  • Serve application: php artisan serve
  • Access: http://localhost:8000 or use Valet or Apache virtualhost