
A web crawler that, visits HTML pages within the same domain for a given url.

Primary LanguagePython


A web crawler that, visits HTML pages within the same domain for a given url.

Web crawler will output a file (csv|xml) , and for each page a list of assets (e.g. CSS, Images, Javascripts) and links between pages.


clone the project and run with docker

generate xml file:

docker build -t crawler .  && touch /tmp/out.xml && docker run --name python_crawler -v /tmp/out.xml:/tmp/out.xml crawler python crawler.py -u http://test.com -t xml -o /tmp/out.xml

generate csv file:

docker build -t crawler .  && touch /tmp/out.csv && docker run --name python_crawler -v /tmp/out.csv:/tmp/out.csv crawler python crawler.py -u http://test.com -t csv -o /tmp/out.csv

after this, the application will output the result in desired path with entered output type(xml/csv).


  1. Output can be set csv or xml
  2. You can set any urls
  3. You can change the output file

Test and Build

to run test or build application, we have make commands so : to run tests:

To test application

make test

note please install python3.10 before run make command

Run app

make all

This command will install python3-pip and virtualenv After that run create virtualenv and active and then install requirements package, finaly run this command. python crawler.py -u $(url) -t $(format) -o $(output) for example you have to run: make all output=/tmp/a.xml url=http://test.com/ format=xml

How it work

when the program start, it will create number async call and return data and save to a file.

Why asyncio ?

Python finally has an excellent asynchronous framework, asyncio. Lets take a look at all the problems of threading and see if we have solved them.

  1. CPU Context switching: asyncio is asynchronous and uses an event loop; it allows you to have application controlled context switches while waiting for I/O. No CPU switching found here!
  2. Race Conditions: Because asyncio only runs a single coroutine at a time and switches only at points you define, your code is safe from race conditions.
  3. Dead-Locks/Live-Locks: Since you don’t have to worry about race conditions, you don’t have to use locks at all. This makes you pretty safe from dead-locks. You could still get into a dead-lock situation if you require two coroutines to wake each other, but that is so rare you would almost have to try to make it happen.
  4. Resource Starvation: Because coroutines are all run on a single thread, and dont require extra sockets or memory, it would be a lot harder to run out of resources. Asyncio however does have an “executor pool” which is essentially a thread pool. If you were to run too many things in an executor pool, you could still run out of resources. However, using too many executors is an anti-pattern, and not something you would probably do very often.