React Native ML Kit


// clone the project from the github
git clone

// move to the project directory
cd react-native-mlkit-tutorial

// install the project's necessary packages(dependencies and devDependepencies)
npm install

// run these two scripts in the two separate terminal side by side
npm start

npm run android

Project Files

1) App.tsx

  • this is the root file of the Project, contains only Navigations

2) screens/SelectImageScreen.tsx

  • this is the Initial Route or Home Screen of the App which contains three buttons
    • Named :
      • Take Image :- takes image using the Camera
      • Select Image :- select image from the device's Gallery
      • Process Image :- it just takes the image either from the Gallery or Camera and will send it to the ProcessImageScreen and this file is responsible for Extracting the text from the Image

3) src/screens/ProcessImageScreen.tsx

  • As I mentioned above, this file is responsible for Extracting Text from the Image and render desired output on this Screen.

  • It Basically, invoke the 'recognizeImage' function from the src/mlkit/index.ts file, takes its output and render it on the Screen.

4) src/mlkit/index.ts

  • this file uses the react-native's Core API named NativeModules and access it's Object TextRecognitionModule for recognizing the Text from the Image.
import {NativeModules} from 'react-native';

const {TextRecognitionModule} = NativeModules;

/// ...other typescript code

export const recognizeImage = (url: string): Promise<Response> => {
  return TextRecognitionModule.recognizeImage(url);

5) src/components/ui/*.tsx

  • these three files are responsible for creating some Reusable Components, nothing special

6) src/naivgation/*.tsx

  • these two files are responsbile for creating the Stack Navigation .