
extension is not reading .cache/nim/projectname_[r|d]

arkanoid87 opened this issue · 2 comments

While experimenting with futhark I've found out that contrary to the javascript based extension, this one doesn't consider the nim files inside the cache

Can you explain this more, perhaps with an example to reproduce?

Here you can find the nimble project: that uses futhark the way it is intended to be used. It creates a futhark_.nim file in .cache/nim/_[r|d].

Within vscode you won't have any symbols defined in cache. Here is where I think the inclusion of the cache happens.

Attached here is the same project after futhark but without it, with just a quick test on the lib and the nim generated by futhark included. This version get parsed correctly and autocompletion works

include futharkcache

var error: ptr Gerror

var builder = garrow_int32_array_builder_new()

discard garrow_int32_array_builder_append_value(builder, 29, error.addr)
discard garrow_int32_array_builder_append_value(builder, 2929, error.addr)
discard garrow_int32_array_builder_append_value(builder, 292929, error.addr)

var myarray = garrow_array_builder_finish(cast[ptr Garrowarraybuilder](builder), error.addr)

var n = garrow_array_get_length(myarray)
echo n

for i in 0..<n:
    var val = garrow_int32_array_get_value(cast[ptr Garrowint32array](myarray), i)
    echo val


Both depends on apache arrow-glib dev packages