
Unhandled Thrown Error! Objects are not valid as a React child (found: object with keys {code, fatal}). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead.

Sugarcothe opened this issue · 4 comments

why ami getting this error, each time a user wants to create account

I am getting errors in Datagrid could you help me out?
Error is:
Failed prop type: The prop rows is marked as required in ForwardRef(DataGrid), but its value is undefined.
I think you should also get the error.

can i see the sceenshot of the error?

I am also getting this error !! how to solve this error?

can i see the sceenshot of the error?


Absolutely, thanks for your video, Now I have encountered the same problem. Could you please help me with my question?"

This problem is on the latest branch "blog-app", you can clone and try it!