
Overlapping Issue on Tabs :: FF 125.0.3

Opened this issue · 8 comments

i like your approach to the theme but it has overlapping issues on the "NewTabs" i'll try experimenting with it but at the same time im reporting it here just incase you have a fix for it :)


Due to the busyness of my schedule, I can't dedicate much time to updates at the moment. When I have some free time, I'll focus on Windows support.

Due to the busyness of my schedule, I can't dedicate much time to updates at the moment. When I have some free time, I'll focus on Windows support.

Take your time, I'm willing to wait. fix

ne yazık ki hala aynı problem sürüyor
fedora linux / kde plasma fix

ne yazık ki hala aynı problem sürüyor fedora linux / kde plasma
@media (-moz-platform: linux) { :root[sizemode="maximized"] #TabsToolbar { margin-left: 500px !important; }
temayı linux hiç denemedim ama bu sorununu çözmene yardımcı olur
userchrome.css içine yapıştır


It works properly now but the tabs are sticking at the search tab + the tabs are overlapping at the extensions / keep

Update: I fixed it, i fiddled with it a bit i just adjusted this on the Toolbox/parts/tabsbar.css

tab > stack { margin-left: 10px !important; }

Here's my take of it, i removed the bottom buttons. it still has that overlapping issue but i think it's fixable?