
DeadlineExceeded in gRPC services

LordNoteworthy opened this issue · 3 comments

Getting a timeout in gRPC servers:

Failed to scan file [X]: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded

@actuallyachraf so far one issue that I can tell, for large files, it does timeout, I increased the timeout and I am monitoring it now.

For files that are ~30 MB, it is a bit much to keep the string extractor extract strings with 5 chars, it produces a lot of garbage strings. One solution is to limit that max len according to the size or use gib to filter out gibberich strings.

@LordNoteworthy I am thinking we can up the limit to 8 and drop strings with length < 8
We could use gib to filter gibberish strings but we'll need to see about the FP rate it produces (I am working on an alternative algorithm just need to collect enough data for it).