
Incorect licencing for utilized databases

BelleNottelling opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there, I hope you're doing well!

Great little project you've got here, I'm utilizing it to automate the build process of various databases and it's working well.
This issue is really just an FYI for you, but your readme states "Default sources are CC0" which isn't actually true.

The asn-ipv6.csv database your script pulls in is under the CC BY 4.0 license and does differ from CC0. CC BY 4.0 does require attribution to be given.

I assume you mistakenly grabbed that instead of iptoasn-asn-ipv4.csv which is under the PDDL license and as such doesn't require attribution much like the CC0 license. (both CC0 and PDDL state the material is considered public domain)

However even then, stating that it's CC0 is still technically incorrect.

Edit to be clear:
Both the IPv4 and IPv6 DBs are utilized and have the same license, I only referenced one of the file names for simplicity

Hey @BelleNottelling,

Thanks! I just created this last week. Nice to see someone already using it!

Yes, you are right, I got this mixed up. I myself use other sources, but wanted to use public sources in the example so that people will have to more actively check sources and licenses if they want better data.

I switched to the iptoasn source in the referenced commit.


Thanks again for the project!