Not thread safe
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RuiAAPeres commented
I was looking at the implementation and I didn't see any locking mechanism for inserting/removing the elements. So I did quick test:
func testThreadSafety() {
var a: ObservableArray<String> = ["foo"]
_ = expectationWithDescription("")
a.rx_events().subscribeNext { _ in }
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0)) {
for _ in 0 ..< Int.max {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, 0)) {
for _ in 0 ..< Int.max where a.isEmpty != true {
if a.isEmpty == false {
waitForExpectationsWithTimeout(1) { (error) in
XCTAssertNil(error, "\(error)")
This will make the lib crash.