
GraphQL PubSub implementation library

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package implements the PubSubEngine Interface from the graphql-subscriptions package. Once initiated this library automatically create subscriptions between SNS and SQS by the given configuration.

npm install -g graphql-snssqs-subscriptions


// file pubsub.ts

import { SNSSQSPubSub } from 'graphql-snssqs-subscriptions';
import env from '../utils/env';

export type SNSSQSPubSubType = SNSSQSPubSub;

let awsEndpoints = {};

  awsEndpoints = {
    sns: {
      endpoint: `${env.AWS_SNS_ENDPOINT}`,
    sqs: {
      endpoint: `${env.AWS_SQS_ENDPOINT}`,

export const getPubSub = async (): Promise<SNSSQSPubSub> => {
  const pubsub = new SNSSQSPubSub(
      accessKeyId: env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
      secretAccessKey: env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
      region: env.AWS_REGION,
      serviceName: env.SERVICE_NAME,
  await pubsub.init();
  return pubsub;

// file server.ts
const bootstrap = async () => {
  const pubSub = await getPubSub();

  const server = new ApolloServer({
    context: (req: any): MyServiceContext => ({
      pubSub, // ctx.pubsub will be available in your service context

  await server.listen(env.SERVICE_PORT);
  logger.info(`Service is listening on port: ${env.SERVICE_PORT}`);


Simple usage in graphql context with TypeGraphQL

Graphql Subscriptions

import { MessageAttributes } from 'graphql-snssqs-subscriptions';

class SimpleMessageDTO {
  readonly $name = `${env.APP_DOMAIN}/${env.MY_SERVICE_NAME}/message-subject-or-anything`;
  readonly $version = 1;

  msgDataString: string;

  constructor(msgDataString: string) {
    this.msgDataString = msgDataString;

export class Resolver {
  Mutation(() => UpdateSomethingResponse)
  async updateSomething(
    @Ctx() ctx: MyServiceContext,
    @Arg('input') inputData: UpdateSomethigInput
  ): Promise<UpdateSomethingResponse> {

    // ... some logic...

      env.MY_SERVICE_NAME, // this is your topic
      new SimpleMessageDTO({
        msgDataString: 'some data in message',
      new MessageAttributes({
        correlationId: `${ctx.account.id}`,

    return UpdateSomethingResponse(true);

  @Subscription(() => Notification, { topics: env.MY_SERVICE_NAME, nullable: true })
  simpleSubscription (@Root() { msgDataString }: NotificationPayload) {
    return { msgDataString };

Simple usage with TypeGraphQL and @node-ts/bus-workflow

GraphQl and @node-ts/bus

// Service1 Resover
import { MessageAttributes } from 'graphql-snssqs-subscriptions';

class SimpleMessageDTO {
  readonly $name = `${env.APP_DOMAIN}/${env.MY_SERVICE_NAME}/message-subject-or-anything`;
  readonly $version = 1;

  msgDataString: string;

  constructor(msgDataString: string) {
    this.msgDataString = msgDataString;

export class Resolver {
  Mutation(() => UpdateSomethingResponse)
  async updateSomething(
    @Ctx() ctx: MyServiceContext,
    @Arg('input') inputData: UpdateSomethigInput
  ): Promise<UpdateSomethingResponse> {

    // ... some logic...

    // Methods publish, sendEvent, sendCommand
      new SimpleMessageDTO({
        msgDataString: 'some data in message',
      new MessageAttributes({
        correlationId: `${ctx.account.id}`,

    return UpdateSomethingResponse(true);
// Service2 Workflows
class SimpleMessageDTO {
  readonly $name = `${env.APP_DOMAIN}/${env.MY_SERVICE_NAME}/message-subject-or-anything`;
  readonly $version = 1;

  msgDataString: string;

  constructor(msgDataString: string) {
    this.msgDataString = msgDataString;

export class MyWorkflow extends Workflow<MyWorkflowData> {
    @inject(BUS_SYMBOLS.Bus) private readonly bus: Bus,
    @inject(LOGGER_SYMBOLS.Logger) private readonly logger: Logger
  ) {

   * Starts a new workflow smessage SimpleMewssageDTO is fired
  @StartedBy<SimpleMessageDTO, MyWorkflowData, 'handleSimpleMessage'>(
  async handlesSimpleMessage(
    event: SimpleMessageDTO,
    _: MyWorkflowData,
    messageAttributes: MessageAttributes
  ): Promise<Partial<MyWorkflowData>> {
    const { msgDataString } = event;

    this.bus.send(new SomeOtherMessageDto())

    return {
      correlationId: messageAttributes.correlationId,

  >(SomeOtherMessageDto, (event, attributes) => attributes.correlationId, 'correlationId')
  someNewMessageHandler(): Partial<MyWorkflowData> {
    // Do whatever in this message handler
    this.bus.publish(new MessageToSomeIntegrationServiceMaybe());


  • Automatically creates subscriptions from SNS to SQS.
  • Automatically creates Dead Letter Queues.
  • Automatically maps MessageAttributes
  • Fully compatable with @node-ts/bus package
  • Typescript Based


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sagahead-io/graphql-snssqs-subscriptions/issues. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the graphql-snssqs-subscriptions project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.