
add paper and book by Olivier Ramaré

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@article {Ettahri-Ramare-Surel*19,
     AUTHOR = {Ettahri, S. and Ramar\'{e}, O. and Surel, L.},
      TITLE = {Fast multi-precision computation of some {E}uler products},
    JOURNAL = {Math. Comp.},
   FJOURNAL = {Mathematics of Computation},
     VOLUME = {90},
       YEAR = {2021},
     NUMBER = {331},
      PAGES = {2247--2265},
       ISSN = {0025-5718},
    MRCLASS = {11Y60},
   MRNUMBER = {4280300},
        DOI = {10.1090/mcom/3630},
       NOTE = {},
@article {Ramare*20a,
     AUTHOR = {Ramar\'{e}, O.},
      TITLE = {Accurate computations of {E}uler products over primes in
               arithmetic progressions},
    JOURNAL = {Funct. Approx. Comment. Math.},
   FJOURNAL = {Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu. Wydzia\l
               Matematyki i Informatyki. Functiones et Approximatio
               Commentarii Mathematici},
     VOLUME = {65},
       YEAR = {2021},
     NUMBER = {1},
      PAGES = {33--45},
       ISSN = {0208-6573},   MRCLASS = {11Y60 (05A15 11N13)},
   MRNUMBER = {4311494},
        DOI = {10.7169/facm/1853},
       NOTE = {},

Available (on my web page) at

The first paper describes a software (available where it says it is :)):

author =   {O. Ramar\'e},
title =    {{Sage}: {C}omputing {L}attice {I}nvariant {E}uler {P}roducts
url =
year = {2020}

I've also written a book:

@book {Ramare*22-0,
     AUTHOR = {Ramar\'e, Olivier},
      TITLE = {Excursions in {M}ultiplicative {N}umber {T}heory},
     SERIES = {Birkh\"{a}user Advanced Texts: Basler Lehrb\"{u}cher.
[Birkh\"{a}user Advanced Texts: Basel Textbooks]},
       NOTE = {With the collaboration of P. Moree and A. Sedunova},
  PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"{a}user/Springer, Cham},
ISSN = {1019-6242},
       YEAR = {[2022] \copyright 2022},
      PAGES = {xxii+338},