spkg-configure.m4 for isl
dimpase opened this issue · 11 comments
it only uses gmp/mpir, should be easy. On debian, sudo apt install libisl-dev
Component: build: configure
Author: Dima Pasechnik
Branch/Commit: cbd2229
Reviewer: Isuru Fernando
Issue created by migration from https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/27864
As the Sage-8.8 release milestone is pending, we should delete the sage-8.8 milestone for tickets that are not actively being worked on or that still require significant work to move forward. If you feel that this ticket should be included in the next Sage release at the soonest please set its milestone to the next release milestone (sage-8.9).
Author: Dima Pasechnik
Branch: u/dimpase/packages/isl-config
This works for me. Do you think the version hard coded in the spkg-configure.m4
package should come from package-version.txt
for simple scripts like this?
Not always - sometimes it might be lower.
Ah, didn't think about that.
Reviewer: Isuru Fernando
Needs a ticket milestone if you intend for it to be merged
Changed branch from u/dimpase/packages/isl-config to cbd2229