
Update README example

asvetlov opened this issue · 3 comments

I suggest updating README with using coroutine and making explicit yield from resolver.query('','A').

I know your example is perfectly correct but loop.run_until_complete() is not so obvious as yield from.

It's kind of intentional. aiodns works also on Python 2 through Trollius, and we cannot use yield from there, whereas the current example works regardless of the Python version.

That said, I wouldn't oppse a Python 3 only example, in addition to the one we already have, if you're up for a PR.

See also
It's not blame for your library but sign: people sometimes need full-fledged async dns client.

Thanks! Yeah, c-ares is not very active these days...

I hope that one day I can add another resolver implementation on top of getdns (, supporting more RR types and general awesomeness.