
Windows not supported

navono opened this issue · 4 comments

Any possible to support Windows?

Although the Makefile and the scripts are Linux/Mac specific, I think the application should compile on windows as well (with the exception of tableflip).

yes, with the tableflip, it occurs below errors:

C:\Users\user\go\pkg\mod\\cloudflare\tableflip@v1.0.0\env.go:13:2: cannot use syscall.CloseOnExec (type func(syscall.Handle)) as type func(int) in field value
C:\Users\user\go\pkg\mod\\cloudflare\tableflip@v1.0.0\fds.go:344:36: not enough arguments in call to syscall.Syscall
C:\Users\user\go\pkg\mod\\cloudflare\tableflip@v1.0.0\fds.go:344:37: undefined: syscall.SYS_FCNTL
C:\Users\user\go\pkg\mod\\cloudflare\tableflip@v1.0.0\fds.go:344:60: undefined: syscall.F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC

Is there any other way to replace tableflip ?

You can easily remove it from main.go. There is no alternative library for it that I know of.

After some dig about upgrade in golang, there is really no good solution on the windows platform.
Thank you for response.