Opened this issue · 4 comments
Could you please share reasons why you decided to use MySQL for this project?
I didn't have any specific reasons. I use MySQL/Postgres most of the time, so it seemed natural to include one of those.
For some time now I'm actually thinking about refactoring that part in a way that supports multiple database backends.
I also want to try Facebook's ent: https://github.com/facebookincubator/ent
For the time being it's MySQL only.
Thank you, solid response!
Not related, but could you please suggest how to implement jwt auth and protect some endpoints. Any references to the projects that implemented that are welcome. micromdm project is good reference to get into go-kit, but i not found any jwt related code there. Btw they are using sqlx and squirrel and boltdb for some operations.
Go-kit actually comes with JWT package and docs about using it: https://github.com/go-kit/kit/tree/master/auth/jwt
Unfortunately I don't have an example at hand that actually uses it.
Pro tip: look for applications with go-kit topic on GitHub: https://github.com/topics/go-kit