Grid World


  • Python 2.7
  • Pygame
  • PyBrain
  • Some python packages (numpy, scipy, PIL, ..)


We provided 2 packages: 9x9_illustrative and 15x9_cycling

E.g: python 9x9_illustrative/9x9_illustrative.png -t=.6 -o=3 -c=9x9_illustrative/9x9_illustrative

  • The first parameter specifies which map should be loaded
  • The parameter -t sets the exploration factor (epsilon for the greedy one (standard), multiplication factor for UCB(needs small modifications in code))
  • The parameter -o sets the number of outputs from the learner to the shield, i.e. the size of the ranking. 0 disables the shield
  • The parameter -c allows to set the base name to collect date, like avg reward and episode length
  • The parameter -n enables punishments for unsafe actions corrected by the shield
  • The parameter --num-steps allows to set an upper bound for the simulation
  • The parameter -g generates new specification files and terminates (no simulation done)
  • Parameters -s and -l can be used to save/load the Q-tables

If there is the need to create a new package: The first parameter specifies which map should be loaded. It has to be a indexed PNG file. In the same directory, there has to be a parameter file, with the same name, but the .params extension. For each shield variant, a file with e.g. "" for the 1-action variant has to be provided. Colors, bombs, etc. can be set in the parameter file. It's best to look at an existing one an copy most of it.

Generator script [base_name] [epsilon] [number_of_iterations] generates data for no shield, shielded with 1 and 3 actions and shielded incl. punishments for 1 and 3 actions.

E.g: 9x9_illustrative/9x9_illustrative 0.6 100000