
about me :)

Primary LanguageHandlebars

Sahar's Portfolio ♡


This is a website where the user can dive deep into what I have done over the past few years during my personal and professional journey. Users can search for and sort through my projects and gain in-depth knowledge of what I specifically accomplished. Moreover, the user can fill out a contact form so that when the form is submitted, their contact information will be stored in the database, which I can check. Lastly, this website will have interactions that reflect my interests such as design and art.

Data Model

The application will store Contacts and Projects.

  • contacts will be remembered
  • projects will be used for searching

An Example Contact:

firstName: 'misa',
lastName: 'cat',
email: 'misacat@email.com',
message: 'meow'

An Example Project:

  id: '12345',
  name: 'my amazing site :-)',
  description: 'this is an amazing site.',
  topics: 'js html css',
  url: 'amazingsite.com',
  created: 'april 26, 2024',
  updated: 'april 27, 2024',


/ - introductory page


/about-me - page about me about-me

/work - page for listing projects


/contact-me - page for user to contact me


Site map


User Stories or Use Cases

  1. As a visitor, I want to be greeted with an attractive introductory page that gives me an overview of your portfolio.
  2. As a visitor, I want easy navigation to access different sections of your website.
  3. As a visitor, I want your website to be visually appealing and responsive across different devices and screen sizes.
  4. As a visitor, I want your website to load quickly to access the information without delays.
  5. As a visitor, I want to be able to easily navigate back to the top of the page, especially on longer pages or project lists.
  6. As a visitor, I want each page of the site to be impactful and to tell me about who you are and what you specialize in.
  7. As a visitor, I want your website to have a cohesive theme that represents you.

Research Topics

  • (2 points) Use a CSS framework or UI toolkit, use a reasonable of customization of the framework ♡ I will use tailwind.css to create custom and efficient css for my site.
  • (3 points) Use an External API ♡ I will be using the GitHub API to access my project repositories.
  • (2 points) Use an external API ♡ I will be using the Last.FM API to show the user what I am listening to.

7 points total out of 10 required points

Annotations / References Used

Code References
