sahat/megaboilerplate not working

matheuschimelli opened this issue · 7 comments is unavailable. is unavailable.

Hey @matheuschimelli how did you get it running? I tried and I always get some erros with react/react-dom x_X

yep, i had the same problem. But for me the fix was very easy. I just change it on package.json line 46:

the problem:

"react": "^15.3"


"react": "15.3"

i runned npm install again and it worked


I been thinking for a long time, that maybe this project is dead. It is really sad. But i too see that many issues are created with often, what means that many people still using it for your projects as me. So, what you think of a megaboilerplate community version?

omg mate, it was that simple? Thanks a lot! lmfao
Community version sounds great!
I really love megaboilerplate because it give us an amazing template and get the boring stuffs done XD

Are you willing to start a megaboilerplate community version?
I'm kinda new to node but I can try to help in anyway I can :D

yep, i will create a new issue with this question