
window Popup facebook doesn't close after log in

alfredrumss opened this issue · 0 comments

after log in the pop doesn't close. Just the same window popup is redirected to redirectUri on the route with the code returned by facebook. i.e


Why is not closing and run the callback function?

this is my router:

(function () {
'use strict';

/** @ngInject */
function routerConfig($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $windowProvider) {

	var $window = $windowProvider.$get();
		.state('app', {
			abstract: true,
			views: {
				'main': {
					templateUrl: 'app/layouts/base/app.html',
					controller: 'BaseController',
					controllerAs: 'Base'
				'header@app': {
					templateUrl: 'app/partials/header/header.html',
					controller: 'HeaderController'
		.state('app.home', {
			url: '/',
			views: {
				'content@app': {
					templateUrl: 'app/home/home.html',
					controller: 'HomeController',
					controllerAs: 'Home'



And this is my setting facebook:

clientId: '1970924993155966',
url: 'http://localhost:8000/auth/facebook',
redirectUri: location.origin + location.pathname

my Angular Version is 1.6.5 and the satellizer version is 0.15.5

please Help me!