
Twitter API gives an error "Callback URL not approved for this client application"

cimplival opened this issue · 3 comments

Attempts to resolve this error by using the various solutions provided in other websites such as including:
twittersdk:// or twitterkit-yourConsumerKey or even including '' and 'http://localhost:8000/auth/twitter/callback' in the call back url field at have not worked.

The satellizer documentation does not also seem to address this recent twitter change.

Some insights on this would help.

Found the solution (here):

I simply had to check that the URL that I was using with the callback_url parameter in my oauth/request_token call had been whitelisted in my app settings on

Simply putting http://localhost:8000 in the callback url field on twitter, resolved the issue, since that was the callback_url in my oauth/request_token call for my development environment.

For production, should work well if thats the callback in the production oauth/request_token call.

hey @cimplival, how can I whitelist the callbackURL in my Im facing the "Callback url not accepted for this application" issue since a while and can't know how to solve it.

I put in the callback url field on twitter : http://localhost:3000. and the same in my development app. But still getting the same error over and over agin.

Can you help please?

instead of localhost use
So use