
Google+ API Shutdown

rajathms opened this issue · 1 comments

Google+ APIs will be shut down on March 7, 2019. This includes Google+ Sign-in and OAuth token requests with Google+ scopes.
How it affecting satellizer, if it is, what are the necessary changes have to take by the end user of satellizer, if satellizer is being updated for this change, does satellizer pushing any patch for this.

Need some explanation, whether it is affecting satellizer users or not.



Short answer: No, satellizer doesn't need to be updated for the Google+ API shutdown.
Long answer:
Because satellizer defaults already use the recommend scopes, it won't need to be updated. But your application might get affected depending on the additional scopes you are requesting during the OAuth flow. For example, one of my applications was using the scope which is now deprecated. So, I updated it to recommended replacement scope

The defaults scopes used by satellizer are:


Lines 37 to 38 in ae28633

scope: ['profile', 'email'],
scopePrefix: 'openid',

which are already the recommend scopes.