
Built a distributed hash table to store and retrieve(key, value) pair that is stored on different computers on the same network.

Primary LanguageC


Built a distributed hash table to store and retrieve(key, value) pair that is stored on different computers on the same network.



  1. make
  2. ./dht

to run the dht.


create - create the ring at present IP and port join - join the ring at address - ip and port p . port - set the port to port quit - quit the ring put - insert <key,value> pair to ring . Here key is integer and value is string. get - get the key specified by key(integer). finger - displays addresses of nodes in the finger table.(bonus) successor - gives the ip of the successor node in ring.(bonus) predecessor - gives the ip of the predecessor node in ring. (bonus) dump - display all information pertaining to calling node.(bonus)