
Python script to help you clean your directory by rearranging the files in sub-directories as per the file type

How to use:

  • clone the repository on your local machine: git clone

  • install watchdog using pip install watchdog

To see it in action, run the following command in the directory where you cloned the repository:

python -p <absolute path to directory>

if -p is not set then the program defaults to ~/Downloads


python -p ~/Desktop

This will rearrange all the files in the Desktop directory into sub-directories as per the file types defined in

After executing the command, for the watchdog to get triggered perform some operation in the directory such as renaming a file, creating a new directory, etc.


You can add more extensions/filetype by appending to the file.

⚠️ Warning

The scripts moves (cuts and pastes) the files. Make sure you have a backup of the files before running the script. However, you can change the script to copy the files instead of moving them.