
Simple Utility providing CLI access to all R functions

Primary LanguageR


This utility will not be updated, and is superseded by the funr R package. You may use: install.packages("funr");library(funr);setup() to get started and visit funr's github page for more details.

r-fun(ction): attempt to make a fun cli for R

A small utility which wraps Rscript and provides access to all R functions from CLI.


Download and place in ~/bin

chmod u+x ~/bin/rfun
export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin ## add to .bashrc

install method 2

## automatically placed in your bin, and updated when packages gets updated

Using a base package

## ------- load help for rnorm
rfun rnorm
## ------- sample from rnorm
rfun rnorm n=100

Using a non-base package

Loading a package automatically by ::

## load help file for knitr
rfun knitr::knit
## OR use
rfun knitr::knit -h

Lets process a Rmd file

## get path to an example Rmd file. Assuming we have knitr installed.
## ------- save the filename in a BASH variable rmd
rmd=$(rfun system.file package=knitr ...=examples/knitr-minimal.Rmd)
echo $rmd
## knit this awesome example !
rfun knitr::knit input=$rmd


  • load help file to fetch arguments
  • Automatically load package before running using ::
  • Fetch all named parameters of the function and supply shell arguments after converting to the correct type


This was originally built for flowr and is a derivative of this file: https://github.com/sahilseth/flowr/blob/master/inst/scripts/flowr

I plan to keep these two in sync in case we find any bugs. In fact they are just alias on my systems.