
Returned url empty?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Hey, i think i have some error, if i return url its empty but in database is full json


@Samuell1 Could you help me with the syntax you are using in the Model / Controller / View ?
If its a obj it should be $object->avatar->thumbnail->url For the thumbnail type.

@mrigankmridul yes i using blade {{ $user->avatar->original->url }}

In model i have use SahusoftCom\EloquentImageMutator\EloquentImageMutatorTrait; in class use EloquentImageMutatorTrait; and protected $image_fields = ['avatar']; with avatar fillable

Controller view

        $user = Auth::user();
        return view('auth.profile.index')->with('user', $user);

Laravel 5.3

If i try return only $user->avatar i get error htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given then that json object exists

Any ideas why this happening?

When passing information in this manner i mean using with, $user should be an array with key/value pairs. Inside your view, you can then access each value using its corresponding key.

In the Controller view above you are passing as object hence its breaking. Please do

return view('auth.profile.index')->with('user', $user->toArray());

and send it to the view and access as

$user['avatar']['original']['url'] in the view.


Try this, This should work too.

return view('auth.profile.index', ['user' => $user]);

instead of

return view('auth.profile.index')->with('user', $user);

I find i can do it like $user->toArray()['avatar']['profile']['url'] and its working too.

but thanks!

@Samuell1 Welcome 👍