
dkms Error during running make command

CiSJiK opened this issue · 17 comments

When I run this script dkms error causes during on running make command. It said the struct called file_operations is not found.
So I've imported the kernel source it doesn't change the result.
May different kernel version make to fail?
Here is my operating system information.
Kernel: 5.8.0-43-generic OS: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal) Secure Boot State: Fully Enabled(mokutil violation-validated and standard mode on BIOS)

Can you try with the commit that I just pushed? It should work now.

I tried re-clone this repository and ran that. But It seems to be broken.
I saw that VERSION variable was 1.0.1 but now it choose the result of git describe --tags --abbrev=0
When I ran that, I got fatal error: Nothing to describe.

I installed by changing the VERSION value as 1.0.1 and It installed. But nbfc can't access to /dev/ec. What should I have to do?

Sorry for the version, I forgot to push the tag 😅. And for NBFC, did you use my fork or pull it directly from the main repository? Because the commit still isn't merged (I'm going to remove the instructions from the wiki since they're misleading).

I used hirschmann's repository. Let me try your fork instead.

EDIT: It doesn't work anyway :(

Maybe try to remove ECSysLinux.dll and ECLinux.dll.

StagWare.Plugins.ECLinux.dll and StagWare.Plugins.ECSysLinux.dll removed and I ran nbfc.exe start it prompted could not load a plugin implements StagWare.FanControl.Plugins.IEmbeddedController.

Do you have ECModuleLinux.dll in the same folder than the two others?

No it is not. If you are talking about all of nbfc file in Release directory, those dll files are in Plugins directory.

Also I got warning message during running
The project configuration for project 'StagWare.Plugins.ECModuleLinux' corresponding to the solution configuration 'ReleaseLinux|Any CPU' was not found.
Do it cause this issue?

Yes it seems to be the issue. I will take a look at it ASAP

It seems that it is unable to build the plugin because we have to add some parameters during the build (the architecture maybe?). I'll look which one should work.

Thanks a lot. Hopes to see the best result :)

Can you try to rebase and rebuild NBFC? I added the configuration for Linux and it seems to build it correctly (at least on my computer).

It doesn't work. I'm still getting warning message I commented.
Here is the warning message from

~/Downloads/nbfc/NoteBookFanControl.sln: warning : Don't know how to handle GlobalSection ExtensibilityGlobals, Ignoring.

~/Downloads/nbfc/NoteBookFanControl.sln (Build) ->
(Build target) -> ~/Downloads/nbfc/NoteBookFanControl.sln: warning : The project configuration for project 'StagWare.Plugins.ECModuleLinux' corresponding to the solution configuration 'ReleaseLinux|Any CPU' was not found.

Can this message be caused by the type of operating system? I compiled that in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. How about running build in Windows?

Well, there is some problem with my laptop. Let me try with some another laptops to check it work or not.
Thanks once again.