
Drag and Drop on canvas "miss" the aimed spot by 1-3 squares when Taskbar active

JordanRR opened this issue · 3 comments

When taskbar is active, dropping things on the canvas from the righ-side menus (Journal Notes and Actors, possibly other things) miss the spot by up to 3 squares if very zoomed out. I suppose the taskbar shift a number of pixel, so it translates to more squares when very zoomed out. With top taskbar, the object drops lower then where the mouse cursor aims; with bottom taskbar, it drops higher.

The problem does not appear when using other options.

Thank you!

Foundry 10.303, hosted on The Forge
Old-School Essentials 1.9.3
Brave Browser 1.56.11

Dang this one is difficult. Thanks

found an ugly fix, for the ugly code. but it works, will release

The issue is back, I also noticed that a bottom Taskbar in combination with Module Management+ it will push the Manage Modules window upwards to the point that it is not possible to close or minimize the Manage Modules window anymore and need a refresh.