
Why the confidence of the prediction will exceed 1?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I changed the number of categories(30) and the proportion of boxes(add 3 aspect ratio in the 4_3 layer,and 4 in the fc7 and conv6_2 layer). I changed all the 21 to 30 in pluginImplement.cpp and pluginImplement.h.
And changed the appropriate number is in cudaSoftmax.
When I predict, the precision is very low. And the confidence level is greater than 1. What are the reasons and what else do I need to modify?
@JingliangGao @saikumarGadde

which prototxt you used?

I tested deploy.prototxt on Caffe, which is no problem.I have added IPlugin to tensorrt's deploy.prototxt.