
Gecko build hangs

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When building gecko with more than one process (i.e. setting -j<n> in the spedfile where <n> is greater than 1) allows the speed of the build to be improved.

However, it also results in the build sporadically hanging. Not every time, but quite often. Enough to make it more convenient (for me at least) to build with just a single process.

When building with a single process the hanging doesn't seem to happen at all.

The frequency of hangs seems to also depend on the target architecture.

It would be great to establish the underlying reason for this and fix it.

You can consistently reproduce the hang with multiple jobs by stopping the sfdk build process with a CTRL-C.

FWIW, even when setting multiple jobs in the gecko-dev RPM spec, it seems that most of the compilation is done on one single core anyways.