
Keyboard must always be swiped away to see bookmarks

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Whenever I want to open a bookmark, I tap on the hostname to bring up the address and bookmark overlay. But that automatically selects the URL, covering all but the top 8 bookmarks with the keyboard. I have to swipe it away to see the rest. As bookmark access is shared with the address bar, would it be possible to suppress the auto-selection of the URL, and let me decide whether I want to interact with the address bar or the bookmarks? Maybe a tap of the address bar at this point could trigger the current behaviour of selecting the whole URL and setting the focus.

Thanks for the feedback!

At some point time of the development of the new browser user interface we had gesture for pulling the favorites overlay open. Currently that feature is disabled. With that we had means to distinguish action for entering url (virtual keyboard opened automatically) and gesture to open overlay (no virtual keyboard). The gesture to open the overlay was identified to be in conflict with the edge swipe gesture.

How would you feel about this kind of feature?

Ah that's interesting. I did actually try that gesture before I created this issue in case I'd missed something like that, so I would call it intuitive, although it hadn't occurred to me before today. I agree that it would not be difficult to miss and do an edge swipe instead. It would be better than the current situation, but I'd still vote for the extra tap to select the URL field.

but I'd still vote for the extra tap to select the URL field.

Count me in on that vote 😄