To predict the rate of the fuel based on the following criteria: - Client Location (in-state or out-of-state) - Client history (existing customer with previous purchase or new) - Gallons requested - Company profit margin (%)
- Microsoft Visual Studio with .NET CORE 5
- SQL Server Management Studio
- Download the Project
- Change the Connection String in appsettings.json. We have included the login module in our project (just a basic module to run the project)
- In the Visual Community, run the following commands in Nuget Package Manager Console:
- add-migration createDB
- update-databse
- Run the Project through IIS Express.
- The Models folder contains all the classes and the requirements for the attributes in the classes. The controller contains all the routing for the views and Views contain all the cshtml pages.
- We have included some dummy records to display in the Get Quote Price and Quote History web pages.
- _Layout.cshtml in Views/Shared is the layout page which is shared by all the web pages in Views
- Apoorva Dhondi - Worked on creating LoginPage, Get Quote page, and worked on stylings for both the pages and Validations for the fields in both pages.
- Sushma Gangavarapu - Worked on creating Client Profile page, Quote History page and styling changes for both the pages and also worked on Validations for the fields on both pages.
- Lakshmi Narasimha Sai Narne - Worked on creating Home Page, Registration page and validations for the fields in registration page and also worked on Navbar for the website.