
User Authentication

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Backend: DB, model, controller, views
  • Redux Loop: ajax, actions, reducer
  • Presentational Components
  • Styling
    • When errors are displayed, the input boxes should not move
  • Smooth, bug free navigation
    • Login errors clears when switching from login form to sign up form (and vice-versa)
    • Going to a random route /#/oweiniouewbrviuwebv should redirect to either /, /login, or /signup
    • Errors should display for both /signup and/login.
    • Errors should clear when moving between /signup and /login.
  • Adequate and appropriate seeds
    • Demo Login Works

Hey Cynthia, Completed all the User Authentication issue. What should I do next?

Hey Sai! Everything looks good. Two points of feedback

  1. I can scroll down on the login/sign up form. Is that what you wanted? There is a lot of empty space.

  2. When I go to a random route, the router did not redirect! (I unchecked the box above)

Hi Cynthia, fixed the routing issue and filled the space in the home page.