Build successs, but runtime error
wulymammoth opened this issue · 3 comments
wulymammoth commented
Excuse my question/issue. This is my first time attempting to run a react-native app, but I'm receiving the following error in the simulator:
macOS v10.13.1
Xcode v9.1 (9B55)
node v9.1.0
yarn v1.3.2
"dependencies": {
"react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
"react-native": "^0.50.3",
"react-native-navigation": "^1.1.205",
"react-native-vector-icons": "^4.3.0",
"react-native-video": "^2.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"babel-jest": "20.0.3",
"babel-preset-react-native": "2.1.0",
"jest": "20.0.4",
"react-test-renderer": "16.0.0-alpha.12"
Let me know if yo have any ideas
saitoxu commented
I think the cause is the difference of version of React Native (I used 0.44, but you are using 0.50.3).
I upgraded React Native version, so please pull the latest code and check again.
wulymammoth commented
@saitoxu wow! thanks! I'll test-drive when I get home :)
wulymammoth commented
It worked! It took about 20 minutes to build on my 2012 MacBook Air, but it worked and it looks awesome! Thanks!