Blank Screen in MainActivity
ahmetcuneydioglu opened this issue · 3 comments
I can login to the app by entering my username and password but in app I only see a white screen, blank screen only. where can I be making a mistake ?
Did you replaced the m3u link in MainActivity!
` void loader(String name) {
try { //new FileInputStream (new File(name)
is = getAssets().open("Converted.m3u"); // if u r trying to open file from asstes InputStream is =; InputStream
M3UPlaylist playlist = parser.parseFile(is);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.d("Google", "" + e.toString());
static final File DEFA = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); public static final File dir = new File(DEFA.getPath() + "/Netuptv"); static final File filepath = new File(dir.getPath() + "/Converted.m3u"); private static Login instance = null; public final String urlLink = ""; public final String domain = ""; //";
i changed only these lines. i can login with myUser and myPass but only showing white screen
every thing here seems alright