Unable to fetch data
SezonDev opened this issue · 1 comments
Hello I am trying to configure your application for my IPTV links, for the connection everything is fine but when I display the list of channels I put "Unable Fetch Data"
val urlLink = "http://iptvpro.vision-new.org"
val domain = "http://iptvpro.vision-new.org:8789" //http://portal.example.com:8001";
I modify this:
CheckNetworkAvailable().execute("$domain/get.php?username=" + email.text + "&password=" + password!!.text + "&type=m3u&output=ts")
CheckNetworkAvailable().execute("$domain/get.php?username=" + email.text + "&password=" + password!!.text + "&type=m3u_plus&output=mpegts")
My android studio log:
Thanks, regards Alex
@SezonDev also add port into urlLink, then check.
if their is still any issue, ping me on sajjadjaved01@gmail.com.
& also provide me some temp credentials, to test.