
Exposing a port from in WSL2 to back Windows

andyneff opened this issue · 4 comments

Unless I'm missing something, is there a clever workaround to expose a port on WSL2 while WSL-VPNkit is active?


In WSL2:

python3 -m http.server

In windows:

curl http://???/

Note: IPv6 works, but that's not using WSL-vpnkit, that's just a side that on my VPN, IPv6 apparently still works even without WSL-vpnkit

Does localhost not work?

Weird, today when I try localhost, it works. confused Oh well.

localhost did not work for me. Any other ideas?

@michaelakin Running this in WSL2:

python3 -m http.server --bind 8001


$ python3 -m http.server --bind 8001
Serving HTTP on port 8001 ( ... - - [13/Jul/2022 08:25:32] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

When I run this on the windows host from command prompt:

curl http://localhost:8001

I'm on VPN just now when I tested it.

A common issue would be your firewall/antivirus software is blocking it.