
144hz 1080p

ImHantu opened this issue · 3 comments


thanks for your job. It's well done.

Do we have any possibility of increasing refresh rate? 1.4 hdmi is enough to go 144hz full hd. But it's never available. nowhere

*pi4 ofc

I've seen some other threads in forums where this was asked. I don't think 144hz is possible on the Pi4. I've heard people doing workarounds but it wasn't stable.

It seems vp9 will never be implemented

30 Oct 2020: sadly, due legal obligations arising from a recent change in my 'real world' job, I must announce I am standing down as maintainer of this project with immediate effect. For the meantime, I will leave the repo up (for historical interest, and since the images may be of use still in certain applications); however, there will be no further updates to the underlying binhost etc., nor will I be accepting / actioning further pull requests or bug reports from this point. Email requests for support will also have to be politely declined, so, please treat this as an effective EOL notice.

For further details, please see my post here.

Many thanks for your interest in this project!

With sincere apologies, sakaki ><