
Migrate translation effort

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I implore you not to use Codeberg on account of their stance against freedom
This rug-pull operation was neither mentioned up front, or to users later.
After that there is no tangible reason to use Codeberg, as that was its one and only premise to operate by. OTOH has a great record in the service of freedom, and is maintained by Weblate staff.
Its community is also greater.
Its services are on offer for libre projects via

Migrating by asking bubu for the files is a better way of going about things, as that way authorship is maintained.
This info is essential to ensure quality, and it does also put credit where credit is due.
It wasn't the erosion of freedom I for one wanted to contribute to, and I have very little else left since I don't care as much
about credit.

I can help out by adding Swedish and Danish, and also configure things if needed. "kingu" is my account.

Thanks for opening this issue. Is you concern about the changes in the TOS, that also this issue is about?

To be honest, I only migrated to Codeberg, as it was recommended by Bubu. I didn't deeply check the platform, as I also know people using Codebergs git repo.

However, if you feel uncomfortable about using Codebergs Weblate instance, I don't see any harm in also opening a project on Would it be okay in your opinion, to offer both instances to translation providers?

Regarding migration:
Bubu recommended to use the backup option in the projects admin area. The zip file can be imported in another Weblate instance. But you're right: Things like the history isn't preserved that way ("The backups currently do not include access control information and history."). The solution seems to be in making a manual backup. However, this is nothing I can provide as I don't have e.g. database access.
Are you sure, Bubu could help fully migrating the project to another instance, where he hasn't admin access?

That issue attempts to do something about licensing (that I happen to support), which Codeberg didn't do then, and aren't doing now. Nice to have language to that effect though.

My issue is the CoC social contract that got snuk in. That makes it less free, and it is incompatible with something one could put in a libre license.
There was an e-mail, and a changed admin panel to alert users to this beforehand, but no active involvement required.
The entire Codeberg platform is built on other values, and that is a betrayal.
Why have it in two places? That just makes interaction harder.
Why have it on Codeberg when the only thing Codeberg and BuBu had to offer was freedom is another matter.

Two places just for the convenience for contributors which then themselves can choose. But besides that, no real advantages, true. I also agree that this can make interaction a little harder.

I hesitated a bit with the official Weblate instance, as it is commercial and I don't want to have to spend money for this free project. I wasn't aware there is an option to get free hosting for free projects.

Just a little update:
I tried to migrate to via the backup feature.
There were errors after the import. I filed an issue via the contact form, but never got any response.
Also, the project didn't seem to get approved for free hosting as it is not listed any more.

So, for now I'll let the Codeberg instance open, until I have time to see about the problems.