
Scala 2.12

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments


Thanks for all your work with Salat! Are there are plans to publish a Scala 2.12 version? I noticed in #183 the effort was abandoned but we're looking to upgrade our codebase to Scala 2.12 and Salat is the only dependency that is holding us back. Perhaps the previous limitations no longer exist? It would be a huge benefit for us to upgrade to Scala 2.12 since we rely heavily on Java libraries in our Scala code and having traits compile to interfaces would be a huge win for us.


I merely backed off of upgrading to 2.12 because it wasn't strictly required for the Casbah upgrade, and there was no need for it from others on the issue at the time.

I got tangled up in some Specs2 / Scalaz dependency stuff, and decided to save it for another day (that day having arrived apparently).

Per this etorreborre/specs2/issues/553 there is some dependency wrangling and changes to the syntax of some of the JSON matcher unit tests to get the upgrade working.

Rather than move all of Salat up to a version of Specs2, we should configure the sbt build to use dependencies based on the scala version, as described in this great blog post by @rozza:

Step 2 "Configure libraries" specifically mentions Specs2 ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค” ๐Ÿค”

I am unlikely to get to this effort in the next few weeks, but if you want to give it a shot, please do so!


I sent you a pull request with the updates required to compile for 2.10/2.11/2.12 here: #201

If you could publish a 2.12 build soon that would be super helpful. If you need any changes made to the patch just let me know and I can update it ASAP.


Thanks! I can't work on this immediately, but just wanted to let you know I received it and will look to merge + release - if it all checks out - in the next few days.

I'm looking at this now.

I have published jars for Salat v1.11.1 compiled for 2.10.6, 2.11.8 and 2.12.2.

They are published to the sonatype repo and will be copied to central shortly. I'll close this issue when everything is confirmed.

...and thanks again to @theunforgiven for the contribution!

Confirmed 1.11.1 in maven central.

Please open a new issue if you find any problems.