
Azure analytics issue

ksrinu opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi ,

I add Serilog 2.6 and Serilog.Sinks.AzureAnalytics 2.2.5 versions on visual studio 2015.

I am trying to upload into Azure analystics. Its not uploading .

var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
logger.Information("Serilog Test");

Please let me know how can i fix this.


Do you get any specific error?

I am not getting any error.

I used below code to check the logs.

var file = File.CreateText("Serilog.txt");

It takes some time to index log on azure. Check back in an hour in azure portal.

I have been testing from last 2 days. None of the logs created in azure portal.

I can confirm there is no issue with sink. Used following code:

using (var logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
	logger.Information("This is test log from Serilog");


If you still can't find log in Azure portal (Log Search), make sure you have valid credentials.