
AzureAnaytics extension method does not works

emyfreya opened this issue · 1 comments


I was testing this sink and came across a problem with the extension method that takes ConfigurationSettings loggerSettings as a parameter.

In the self logging of Serilog, I get this:

2019-04-16T07:52:46.8490682Z Sending batch of 25 logs
2019-04-16T07:52:47.6826193Z Object reference not set to an instance of an object

The other two extension method I get:

2019-04-16T07:56:16.8793952Z Sending batch of 16 logs
2019-04-16T07:56:16.9767931Z Transferring log: []

I indeed got my logs sent to Azure Analytics via the two extensions method that are working.

Please provide full context, version number, environment including sample reproducible code.