
File types with Windows default programs do not show context menus

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Due to how Windows handles context menu preference, if a file type has a default program set, context menus from this package will not show properly.

The issue is that defining individual file extensions starting from the Software\\Classes\\{EXTENSION} registry path allows them to be overridden. Instead, if the file extensions are defined at the registry path Software\\Classes\\SystemFileAssociations\\, Windows will put them in the menu at a lower priority than the default program.

See the Windows Documentation or this Stack Overflow question.

If I can get some time this weekend, I'll try to put up a PR with a fix.

@vingenuity did you manage to get free time to fix this issue? run into the same problem here

Sorry, I totally forgot about this over the last couple of months. 😅

I've got a bunch of house stuff going on, but I'll try my best to free up some time this weekend to figure out where I put the code for this.

Any updates on this issue?