
Hyphen (-) not a valid character for token names in Android?

morewry opened this issue · 2 comments

I recently began working with our Android team on using the android.xml format. They've reported to me that - (hyphen) is not a valid character for names, e.g.

<color name="PROP-NAME">

Is not valid. I am using hyphens in our token names and the android.xml format output leaves them as hyphens. If hyphens aren't valid, I'd expect this format to remove them or change them to underscores, much like the module.js format changes names to camel case.

Be happy to PR that if it makes sense.

Slightly related, the android.xml format transforms token names to UPPERCASE. Why is that?

Yeah — a PR would be great. I'm planning on making a major release because there were several other breaking changes introduced for Android recently. As far as the name case, I'm not quite sure.

I won't touch the casing, then, for now.