Theo is a an abstraction for transforming and formatting Design Tokens
- 5
Allow a token prop to reference another token prop
#100 opened by didoo - 4
BEM syntax support
#108 opened by derekatkinson - 1
Don't merge prop names in different categories
#131 opened by schmuli - 20
Render tokens in source order
#118 opened by caseycallow - 17
Immutable.List(...).traverse is not a function
#127 opened by chrisui - 5
- 3
Can I register a new transform using the CLI?
#123 opened by tomger - 4
Question: What is the animations format?
#134 opened by equinusocio - 2
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning with theo v6.0.0-beta.8 through gulp-theo (Win10)
#130 opened by siiron - 1
- 2
What are aliases?
#125 opened by morewry - 1
- 6
- 2
Can't install v6.0.0-beta.3 as a dependency
#117 opened by ah-adarlow - 4
#113 opened by nickbalestra - 1
GH repo description
#112 opened by nickbalestra - 1
Export raw values in raw.json export
#99 opened by kaelig - 3
css modules format
#110 opened by nickbalestra - 4
- 2
Allow an imported alias/prop to be overridden by a locally defined alias/prop with the same name
#104 opened by beauroberts - 0
- 2
How to change the generated tokens to use camelCase style as opposed to hyphen-separated
#90 opened by julianomoreira - 8
Comments not visible in .scss output
#58 opened by siiron - 2
Error: Cannot find module 'json5'
#77 opened by siiron - 2
Support Import Pre-process function
#64 opened by micahgodbolt - 4
Allow aliases to rely on other aliases
#46 opened by faboweb - 3
- 3
YAML vs YML file extensions
#60 opened by micahgodbolt - 4
Enumerate transform/format options in docs
#62 opened by micahgodbolt - 2
#59 opened by wengleigood - 0
"options.includeAlias will be deprecated soon. Please use options.includeRawValue"
#37 opened by amyleesalesforce - 6
- 8
- 0
- 3
- 2
- 2
- 2
- 0
Sort section by...
#12 opened by markgeyer - 1
Able to search across all values...
#13 opened by markgeyer - 0
Prettify CSS output
#23 opened by srohde - 0
- 7
Allow for `line-height` options.
#9 opened by jina - 1
- 0
Only show active categories
#7 opened by markgeyer - 8
- 0