
Missing Error Markers, possibly due to _Preview features enabled at an invalid source release level 11, preview can be enabled only at source level 21?_

vorburger opened this issue · 6 comments

When I use this extension for, "Error Markers" are missing - there are no "red squiggles" for syntax errors. However other Java (JDT) features such as e.g. Cross References and Ctrl-Space Completion do work just fine for me.

Perhaps this is related to, and the Preview features enabled at an invalid source release level 11, preview can be enabled only at source level 21 error that I'm seeing? I may have been wrong in #74 that this message is "harmless"...

When I'll have a moment, I'll explore installing another JDK and running VSC with that, to see if that solves this.

@guw FYI

OK so closing VSC and doing e.g. killall java && sudo dnf remove "java-17*" && sudo dnf install java-21-openjdk-devel java-21-openjdk-src java-21-openjdk-javadoc java-21-openjdk-javadoc-zip java-21-openjdk-jmods and then restarting VSC and doing a Clean Java Language Server Workspace, as per, doesn't seem to fix this.

Those Problems are still there, and there is also a pop-up whining about Invalid runtime for JavaSE-17: The path points to a missing or inaccessible folder (/usr/lib/jvm/java-17/).

Invalid runtime for JavaSE-17: The path points to a missing or inaccessible folder (/usr/lib/jvm/java-17/).

vorburger/vorburger-dotfiles-bin-etc@05e7926 and vorburger/vorburger-dotfiles-bin-etc@43ab20a fix this.

I'm toying with upgrading from Java 11 to 21 to see if that could fix this, but it's a PITA; see referenced PRs & issues...

@guw if you can think of a better way to workaround the problem reported here, please do shout.

I'm toying with upgrading from Java 11 to 21 to see if that could fix this, but it's a PITA; see referenced PRs & issues... has that, and Bazel builds it fine on the CLI...

... in VSC however it's "all red" - even worse than before. Not just on the PR, but even without; see #86.

guw commented

Closing as duplicate of #86

@guw perhaps not a dupe of #86, as I still saw this, even with that.

However with enola-dev/enola#426 (after #86 fix) this goes away!

I'm not entirely sure yet I really can upgrade to Java 21... but may be I will temporarily.

Can you think of a better way to workaround the problem than bumping projects to Java 21?

Also, Troubleshooting needs a related update; I'll send a PR.